graduated college

You Just Graduated College, Now What?

Welcome to my first blog post on Boundless Bek.

If you are like me, you just graduated college and you are trying to figure out what comes next. Or you are tired of your old job and looking for a way to spice things up. Or maybe you are just interested in what it means to be boundless.

Either way, I would just like to say welcome and thank you for being here.

Why Does This Blog Exist?

Starting a blog is something I have thought about for a while now. After graduating I decided that it was finally time to put the idea into action. There is no better time because honestly, I have no clue what the next step is.

This blog is a way for me to help other people who are lost like me.  

Graduating Can Be Scary

I’m sure if you have graduated college, you know the feeling of excitement and terror. You are excited to go out into the real world but also terrified because you don’t have a clue what you are doing.

Let’s be real nobody really knows what they are doing. That’s one of the first things I learned after graduating. Everyone is still learning and growing just at different stages.

So even though graduating can be scary, daunting, stressful, etc. you are not alone. You might not know what you want to do or how to exist as a person in society, but you are not alone trust me.

What Am I Doing Next?

I graduated college with a B.F.A. in dance. The most obvious career path would be to dance professionally. It sounds like I wouldn’t have to question my next steps after graduation but of course, I am.

I started to question if I really wanted to turn dance into a career. It is a scary thought because I just spent the past four years studying dance and now, I might be changing my mind.

The feelings of fear and anxiety have slowly shifted to the excitement for what could come next. In college, I also received a minor in tourism and events management which is another passion of mine that I am currently exploring with an internship.

You can read more about that experience (here).

Aside from dancing and wedding planning, my biggest passion is traveling. It has been the most constant vision in my life, and I would be crazy not to follow it.  

So, what is next? Working on this blog, interning with a wedding planner, traveling, and who knows maybe I will find myself dancing somewhere.   

Being Boundless

While doing all those things I will be adopting the idea of being boundless. What does that mean you ask? Well, you came to the right place.

Being boundless to me means creating a life that is unlimited, immense, and of your choosing. Put simply I want to live a free life.

I recently wrote a speech about graduating and my thoughts and feelings on it. In this speech, I talked about the idea of being free. Here is a little snippet of that part.

“Freeing. What does it mean to be free? I want to be free. I want to live a life where I feel free to be myself, free to grow, and free to pursue anything I want. Looking forward to the future all I really know is that I want to be free…Once you realize that you create the life you want you are free.”

Well, there you have it, the theory behind this blog and what it means to be boundless. I am creating the life I want, and I hope you will as well.  

What Will This Blog Discuss?

This blog will cover topics on life, money, and travel. You can expect posts about side hustles, self-care and stress relieving tips, travel tips, and stories, as well as of course being boundless and creating an awesome life.

My new goal is to explore my boundless possibilities in this world and to do it without restraint. I hope that this blog will also inspire you to live a boundless life. If you want to know more about me, check out this page.

Over the next couple of days, weeks, months, and years, I will be taking you along on my journey of figuring out post-graduate life and the boundless possibilities that await. Stick around for tips and tricks on how you can be boundless with me.